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Monday, July 21, 2008
9:44 PM |
Congratulations to the new Ex-Co members. They are as follows:

President : Gowri
Vice President : Benjamin Tan
Secretary : Janice Lim
Head of Discipline : Hui Zhen
Asst. Head : Fabian
Head of PR : Jia Ming
Asst. Head : Daniel Chow
Head of Welfare : Shi Min
Asst. Head : Felicia Lim
Head of Function : Yi Juan
Asst. Head : Rebecca
Asst. Head : Edwin

Like Jeevan say in the tag, we need to give full support to these Exco.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
12:39 PM |
There will be an IMPORTANT announcement to be made tomorrow morning meeting. Please be punctual as we have a lot of items to settle. Also all Sec 3 councillors are to attend an important meeting on Mon 230pm in 2/7. Attendance is compulsory...

Mr. Alan Ho

Friday, July 18, 2008
7:14 PM | Address Re : Concerns of the concerned students.
To the concerned student, I recongised the fact that you are not very pleased with the performance of the students' council, which ( please do correct me if I'm mistaken) that such incidents has been appearing for a long period already. I do not know how did you stumble by our blog's name, but I do hope that you will not give it out as this is our council's personal blog. We are looking into the matter of starting up a forum for the Student Population to voice out your opinion.

Alright, back to the main issue. Firstly, I will not and shall not deny that the councillors are very playful at times and like all natural human beings, we falter. What I have written on the blog are INTELLECTUAL advise for them to learn and pick up they are NOT PRACTICAL FORMULAS where it can transform one drasctically overnight. Therefore I wouldnt really conclude that the things posted inside here are ironic,unless I am the group of councillors you are refering to. I'm sure you would face situations where you will still forget your homework even when your teachers remind you to do so. As they go, to err is human!

I am most comforted that you have managed to recognise the fact that being a councillor means to undertake heavy duty, and it comes under scrutiny of the student population, people such as yourself. Therefore, before I can explain and give you a satisfactory answer, I do hope to seek for your understanding in giving the councillors room for error before you judge ever so swiftly.

Moving on, no one is perfect! As I've rationalised with you earlier, that this posts written by myself, cannot assure anyone of being a perfect leader! I'm no perfect leader by all means. I do lose my temper pretty often. The s3s are very willing to testify on that. But lets not squabble over such puny matter shall we? At your next post in our tagboard, you speak of the fact that there is a rampant scenario where students are cutting queue frequently. Let me ask you one thing, lets just say that there isnt any councillors there, will the students in the queue themselves voice out that. hey! please dont cut queue? Will you? If you are not prepared to do so, then it will bring me to my next point. How then can we, as a student council, as a student representative and leader go on without the support of the very people we pledge our allegiance to? Concured? Okay, maybe You would be able to do that, I beseech you to put yourself into their shoes. They are SACRIFICING their own recess to help out in this duty. I therefore must disagree with you that they should specially forgo some time of their recess to help out as there are sufficient man power depolyed for the work.

Everyone's hungry during that period of time! Being so, it seems to me that it is very normal and within the limits of humanity that they speak to their friends in the queue, although it is very much discouraged so.

I feel for the fact that they might sound a little arrogant and very irritating when they told you " What can I do?" I do hope you can take the time and efffort to tell me the names personally? You should know who I am. If you dont feel comfortable doing so, you can get your friends to pass the word by mouth. I am of upmost regret to inform you that such problems CANNOT be diagnosed and cured at its roots given the current situations that I've listed to you. I'll just summarise for your sake,

1) The gangsters are too intimidating for some of the councillors

2) Students's support isnt strong enough to project the message out.

Therefore, as you may have now realised, we have managed to extend the recess timing for the sake of those innocent students and we strongly urge them to step forward and cast shadows of embarresment on those who do jump queue.
Yes, as councillors we do help the teachers, and all school staff to mould the school into a better shape, but that can only be accomplished if the school sees the flaw the way we do and are willing to go through changes, which might not be very popular. Unless there is such a situation, I implore to you the fact that we can only do our best to make it a SLIGHTLY better place. With that I must also draw you to that fact that the Students' Council isn't as bad as many people percieve us to be! There are many achievements that we are very proud to show to the school, but the reason that we would not revel in our own glory and achievements is that we know that unless we compel ourselves in situations where cannot be proud,we still stand a chance in basking ourselves in our pride which, eventually will lead to our downfall.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your very candid feedback given to us, but on that note, I do hope that you will not continue to publish your thoughts onto our tagboard as like I have mention, this blog is strictly CHR councillors' communication network.
May the peace of the Lord be on us all.

If there's still any queries,do email me @ allied_axisliu@hotmail.com

Yours Truly,

Isaac Liu
Current Students' Council President

Thursday, July 3, 2008
6:15 PM | Intentional Discipleship -- the spark of revival.
Recently, I attend a seminar on Discipleship. A sentence that can conclude what I've leart is that "There can be no student without a teacher. No master without an apprentice, and of course no mentor without a mentee, no leader without a disciple". I've decided to challenge all you Sec3's there who have read my previous post and feels that they have to a high percentile complete the few areas which I mention, with a brand new exprience. Get yourself a disciple.

Not those disciple who does your beck and call. But those who are willing to learn from you. Those who look up to you. Those who are keen to better hone their qualities. But first before you start off with this gigantic mission of yours. YOU need to be quipped by several main issues.

There are several CORE VALUES you need to know before even thinking of embarking on this journey.Differences between Convetional Values and Core Values.


Forcing followers

Succesful end-product are valued

20% do 80%'s work

Laity Led -- Clergy Driven

( led by popularity not by principles)

" How many do we groom?"

Set expectations

Core Values

Attracting and persuading followers

Successful process and maturing products are valued.

20% inspires 80% to do the work

Clergy Led -- Laity Driven

( Population respects the leaders' choice )

"What kind of people are we grooming?"

Believes that the potential one has will drive him/her up.

Clergy leading or Laity Leading remains to be one of the hardest thing to achieve in our society be it economically or our own school context. Its hard as a leader to implement changes or policies that unsettles the population morale or faith, as many always find a compromise between it and the compromises mostly leads to disasterous chain event. As for the minority inspiring the majority, it doesnt mean that the minority is slacking or whatsoever, it simply means that they always focus on a much more difficult issue then the minor ones.

By searching for the "someone" to teach, we first have to also know what we are IMPERFECT in nature. We are all striving towards perfection or improvement. Therefore, you should not only tell the person who is following you to tell you of your faults but remind him or her not to learn from your faults.

How then can you guage your commitment? By commiting yourself to:

--Reduce the gap

--Concentrating on PERSONAL GROWTH

--Getting over Life's Transition ( problems )

--Getting the person to multiply after you.

As a parting shot, I'll give you guys 3 last phrases to start of your own conviction and personal changes before you go on and influence our school's population for the years to come

THINK BIG! START SMALL, BUT KICK OFF DEEP -- do it with conviction.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008
4:13 PM | Running eternal gasoline.
With the recent increase of oil price hikes, I saw some similarites among the dire economic situation and people like us as leaders. When prices of the oil increases, it brings forth many problems such as inflation and increased cost in almost EVERYTHING. Being leaders, we too just cant keep on running the race without out own supplies! We need the gasoline that keeps on fueling us and giving us that kind of incentive to pursue greater heights.

During the June Holiday camps, when all of you were asked some cheem questions by the teachers, most of us presented the idea of seminars and talks. In short, you guys covered loads on PREPARATIONS for your journey. Which is a good thing! It means that you're looking at the subject now heads on. But you're not looking in depth enough. Seminars and talks are wonderful stuff to get us have the right amount of ignition to start off the race. As they say a good start is half the battle won. But a good FINISH is then a full battle won. At the end, people will want to know and remember how you FINISH the race! Not how you started out.

A leader's future is shaped by the people closet to him/her. A leader's personal network is his emotional fuel : his models, heroes, mentors, inner-circle and accountability partners!

We, being TYPICAL SINGAPOREANS (i'm kidding) always want to make use every single bit of the things we have. Or sometimes we're just plain lazy. We wont do our assignment till the due date is the next day. Come on! admit that! I'm guilty of it too! Anyway, that is a really bad thing! Espescially when what you need is something that need loads of time to attain! Take the oil industry for example, to get barrels of oil, isnt something thats achievable over a day or two! Oil comes from fossilised bones, burried under the ground,under immense pressure bla bla bla. After hundreds of years, they slowly transform to oil! Its the same as for us! Our emotional fuel is extremely important yet,its something we always overlook.

You dont have to be all popular and awesome to have a wide range of personal network. Whoever told you that a larger network may even be a good thing! What you need is close and tightly knitted network. This is something that can only be known after it stands the test of time and proven itself to be of high quaility use! We cant just delude ourselves that we're good and then run on our own fuel! It'll just kill us. We need leaders who are FILLED UP with emotional fuel to run the race! So that they wont have a bias desicion that will feed their own fuel. If a leader is using his target audiance to achieve that, then, with immediate or swift effect, he must step down from the leadership until his emotional fuel is filled up.

It isnt easy to be a perfect leader. There are bound to be people who will take you down for a reason or another. This perfectly reasons why the need for a close and tightly knitted network is needed! As some of you might have noticed that during the last one year, I did not mention any vision for the board. Nor did I seem to run towards any visible goal. Because I believe that after my era, you guys have the chance to start a revival for the school. You guys can start something extraodinary to make a difference. My vision was that YOU get YOUR own visions! For the s3s', that when you take over you will be able to deliberate out your own vision which I believe that I was not able to implement.

Look into yourself. Who are the people who falls under your category of :
1) Role Models
2) Heroes
3) Mentors
4) Disciple (I'll explain this next post)
5) Inner-circle
6) People who are close and hold you accountable for your actions

You may not fufil ALL the 6 spaces but be true to yourself and see what are you lacking in, and ask yourself how can I further improve? Not to be religious or anything, but there's 2 verses I would like to share:
" Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17
" Where there is no guidiance, the people fall, but in the abudance of counselors there is victory"
Proverbs 11:14

Hope you will meditate and think about these two verses. I believe in which it applies to anything and anyone.

--Best regards, Isaac Liu.



Welcome to CHRCOUNCILLORS blog

Mr Hu
Mdm Wee
Ms Eleora

Councillors Mentors:

Gowri -President
Benjamin Tan -Vice-President
Janice Lim - Treasurer/Secretary
Hui Zhen - Discipline Head
Fabian Seow- Vice-Discipline Head
Jia Ming- Head of PR
Daniel Chow - Vice-Head of PR
Shi Min - Head of Welfare
Felicia Lim- Vice-Head of Welfare
Yi Juan- Head of Functions
Rebecca- Vice-Head of Functions
Edwin Liam - Vice-Head of Functions

links here

April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 June 2009

Brushes/Aless/ Javier/ Tom Basecodes/Slayerette